Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Prevent And Rid Yourself Of Acne Starting Today

Acne is like something out of a horror movie. When you wake up and see that pimple staring you in the mirror, you just about jump out of your skin, especially if you've got a hot date or the likes, that same evening. Here are some tips about taking care of those blemishes.

Keep yourself hydrated to help with acne breakouts. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to maintain clear skin. Water flushes out the toxins in your body, which also includes your skin. Not only will your skin be free from acne-causing toxins, but it will be able to retain the correct amount of moisture, to give it a healthier glow.

To reduce the amount of acne on your face one can avoid touching their face with their hands. Touching your face can transfer oils from your hands onto your face. Once this oil is on the face it can clog pores and cause more acne to develop on the individuals face.

If possible, avoid becoming involved in stressful situations. Stress can't cause acne, but it can increase the severity of the problem in people who already suffer from the condition.

To get rid of your acne, eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds. You can do this easily by having a smoothie with breakfast and eating a salad as a side dish with lunch or dinner. Brazil nuts are also great for controlling acne, as are pumpkin seeds.

Limiting the amount of caffeine that you drink can help you reduce acne. Caffeine encourages your body to give off an abundance of stress hormones. These hormones make acne worse, so it is important to stay away from things like chocolate, coffee and tea. Reducing these foods should cause you to see a noticeable difference in your skin.

If you have scarring from severe acne, go to your skin doctor and ask about laser treatment and the different forms of acne scar treatments. CO2 fractional laser treatment removes the first layer of skin from your face, creating a smoother appearance with less red marks and discolorations, improving your appearance.

Reduce acne! If you use a phone, make sure that you keep it away from your face when you speak! Phones can contain a lot of bacteria, which can get on your face and produce acne. Use a "hands free" device as an alternative, to prevent your phone from coming in contact with your skin!

Letting sweat dry on your skin is just asking for acne trouble. The long sweat lingers on your body, the more pores are prone to be clogged, therefore causing acne to form. After sweating excessively, try to have a ten to fifteen minute warm shower.

Acne can certainly be terrifying. The truth is however, that we all face it from time to time. One of the keys is to not freak out, because this usually just makes it worse because of the added stress. This article will hopefully prepare you to prevent and control your next outbreak.

1 comment:

  1. To reduce the amount of acne on your face one can avoid touching their face with their hands. Touching your face can transfer oils from your hands onto your face. Once this oil is on the face it can clog pores and cause more acne to develop on the individuals face.
    Laser acne treatments
